Built-in FunctionsΒΆ
Category | Description | Examples |
String Functions | Functions for manipulating and processing text | length , concat , replace , substr , length , lower , upper |
Numeric Functions | Functions for performing calculations on numbers | abs , ceil , floor , round |
Date and Time Functions | Functions for manipulating and processing dates and times | date_trunc , date_part , to_timestamp , CONVERT_TZ , now * |
Aggregate Functions | Functions for aggregating and summarizing data | count , sum , avg , min , max , json_agg , jsonb_agg , string_agg , array_agg |
JSON Functions | Functions for manipulating JSON data | -> , ->> , json_build_object , jsonb_build_object |
Conditional Functions | Functions for controlling the flow of execution based on conditions | coalesce , greatest , least , nullif |
* Only supported in filter context (IE WHERE field [>|<|=] NOW()